Page Updated: Real-time
This page contains current information on traffic conditions, border wait times, weather, and road conditions for the Madawaska / Edmundston border crossing. You may need to refresh this page periodically to get current information.
For detailed background information on the the Madawaska / Edmundston ports of entry, including times of operation, contact information, and travel tips, see our Madawaska / Edmundston ports of entry page.
Wait Times at the Madawaska and Edmundston Border Crossing
Estimated wait time to reach the inspection booth. Updated hourly. | Entering the U.S. at Madawaska – Open Last Update: | Entering Canada at Edmundston Last Update: 2025-03-04 05:15 AST |
Personal Vehicles | No Delay | |
NEXUS | ||
Ready Lane | ||
Commercial Vehicles | No Delay | |
Current Road Conditions in Maine and New Brunswick
We have special pages showing all current road advisories for the state of Maine and the province of New Brunswick. These pages show problems such as roadway accidents, snow or ice, lane closures or blockages, construction, road restrictions, traffic problems, and roadwork around the Edmundston-Madawaska Bridge border crossing.
MADAWASKA WEATHERTraffic Camera on Canadian Route 2 Near Edmundson

Traffic Camera South of Edmundson on Canadian Route 2

Traffic Conditions at the Edmunston-Madawaska Bridge Border Crossing
To view the traffic conditions at the Edmunston Madawaska Bridge border crossing, select “View Larger Map” and turn on the traffic layer.