The map below shows the roads that are prioritized for snow plow activity on major Maine highways.
When you finish with this page, go back to the Maine Road Conditions Menu to review other road and traffic condition sources we have collected. Also, be sure to review our information on going through customs, required documentation and prohibited items.
For each highway corridor priority, target route lengths will dictate the normal cycle times that can be expected based upon average conditions, while local geographic and/or geometric factors will dictate whether particular routes need to be longer or shorter than average. In addition, during a winter storm event, the level of service for all routes will typically be reduced between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 4:00 A.M, depending upon specific storm conditions.

Priority 1 Roadways in The State of Maine
Travel lanes will normally be clear within 3 daylight hours after the storm.
South of Exit 197 both travel and passing lanes and north of Exit 197 the travel lane will normally be clear within 3 daylight hours after a storm.
- The Interstate Highway 95
- Brewer-Calais Rte 9
- Newport-Gilead Rte 2
- Houlton-Madawaska Rte 1
Priority 2 Road Corridors in Maine
Travel lanes will be clear within 8 daylight hours after the storm.
- The National Hwy System
- Caribou-Ft. Kent Rte 161
- Bangor-Greenville Rte 15
- Ellsworth-Eastport Rte 1
- Lewiston-Bethel Rte 11/26
Priority 3 Snow Removal Roadways
Travel lanes will be clear within 24 hours after the storm.
- Manchester-Farmington Rte 17
- Saco-Fryburg Rte 5
- Lincoln-Vanceboro Rte 6
- Sherman-Ft. Kent Rte 11
Priority 4 & 5
Travel lanes will be clear within 30 hours after the storm. .
- Major Collectors not included above (including 3 miles of marine highway)
Priority 6
- Local Roads and Streets – These are maintained by local municipalities